Do Not Sell My Personal Information
Note: we do NOT sell our users’ data. However, to exercise Your right to opt-out of having your data sold, please contact Us at with the following details:
Subject: “Do not sell my personal information”
Email body: Provide your 1) First and Last Name, 2) the Email Address associated with your most recent purchase, quote request, or your online account, and 3) your contact Phone Number.
Delete My Personal Information
To exercise Your right to request deletion of your data, please contact Us at with the following details:
Subject: “Delete my personal information”
Email body: Provide your 1) First and Last Name, 2) the Email Address associated with your most recent purchase, quote request, or your online account, and 3) your contact Phone Number.
Limit The Use Of My Personal Information
To exercise Your right to request that we limit the use of your data, please contact Us at with the following details:
Subject: “Limit the use of my personal information”
Email body: Provide your 1) First and Last Name, 2) the Email Address associated with your most recent purchase, quote request, or your online account, and 3) your contact Phone Number.
To view our full privacy policy, visit:
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